What Video Game Do These Baby Crocs Sound Like?
September 18, 2019 4:53 amI would bet that you played the game as a kid…sounds EXACTLY like the game here…right? ~Tymo
I would bet that you played the game as a kid…sounds EXACTLY like the game here…right? ~Tymo
It is National Wife Appreciation Day today!! A day when we are to pamper our wives for putting up with
The facts do not lie…1/3 of you are NOT doing this at work!? Click HERE to find out… ~Tymo
You know the story… Jay asked Meg to marry him. She said no and left him with the feeling that
A list of the Top 10…of Life’s Simple Pleasures…what were the top 3??? Here is 10-4… 4. Buying new clothes.
THIS guy…without a doubt!! ~Tymo
A machine used for pyrotechnics caught on…well…fire… ~Tymo
Let’s say aliens make contact with us one day. Should we respond and say what’s up . . . or
Friday the 13th! How many of you…believe? Click HERE to find out… So? You in or out… ~Tymo