4th Annual The Zone Football Pool Wrap Up Party
January 14, 2019 2:16 pm
Most of you said that this is the reason why you are not as productive at work…as you could be!
Is this a ‘thing’ now?? I tip for good service…I hold back tips for bad service…all done at restaurants. I
First food eaten on the moon was…? Click HERE for some guesses and…the right answer… ~Tymo
Cirque Du Soleil Corteo Sneak Peak We got a behind the scenes tour of the Cirque Du Soleil Corteo performance
In an average day…a woman will do this about 5 times…same day…a guy only does it 3 times… What is
I kind of like the phrase “beer o’clock” . . . it’s like, “hey, it’s not MY fault I’m drinking
I luv it when ya call…to say HI…give me an opinion…traffic updates…I don’t care! Just call! 1-844-944-COOL (2665) Call like