THIS…will Get You In The Mood For Canada Day This Weekend!!
June 26, 2023 4:11 amHow many can YOU sing along with? ~Tymo
How many can YOU sing along with? ~Tymo
Yup…let’s talk about the World’s BEST drummers… Are YOUR top 3 the same as mine? ~Tymo Song 20: DR. FEELGOOD
Cool hey? ~Tymo
This lil guy gives me ideas for the next time I screw up at home… ~Tymo
I wish I had a pal like this! ~Tymo
Oh…also if you are a fan of this guy too… ~Tymo
What do ya think? Should some of these make it on the station? TYMO@CoolRadio.ca ~Tymo
Bands/artists get paid between $16,000-$60,000 to have one of their songs used in a movie. BUT…there was a band that
Put this here to make you smile! ~Tymo
Well…Rock Dads and their kids! What these kids of these stars have done in life! Dad’s Day songs…see below for