Concert Review #2: Nickelback At RBC Rock The Park
July 17, 2024 2:20 pmHey folks, it’s Steve, the Classic Rock 98.1 intern. The second concert of my internship was the first night of London’s Rock the Park music festival. Celebrating 20 years at Harris Park, the organizers provided concert-goers with a stellar night of high octane rock performed by some of the biggest Canadian artists.
Unfortunately, I was not prepared to brave the elements and missed openers Crown Lands and the Tea Party (to buy some rubber boots), but from all accounts, both bands braved the weather and kept the eager music fans engaged and distracted from downpours.
After arriving to the concert grounds and wading through the mud, we made it just in time to catch The Glorious Sons hit the stage. Barefooted front man, Brett Emmons, spent the entire performance away from the protection of the stage’s roof and delivered a high-spirited, yet super-soggy performance. This powerful, 15-song set, had the audience singing along to the band’s anthems like White Noise, Mama, and S.O.S.
The rain eventually let up allowing the crowd to brace themselves for the main attraction. Alberta’s Nickleback burst onto the stage with pyrotechnics that shook the crowd and sent columns of fire into the night sky. They spent the next two hours melting faces with a non-stop barrage of riffs and hits, starting with San Quentin and closing with a blistering, Burn it to the Ground. Chad and company delivered on all fronts and left no doubt as to why they were chosen as headliners!
As the rain-damp crowd squished their way through the muddy grounds, you could tell by smiling faces that this was a night to remember! The weather may have posed a challenge for this rain or shine event, but it also added a memorable dynamic and highlighted the resilience and enthusiasm of both the performers and London music fans.
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Categorised in: Classic Rock Intern
This post was written by Blackburn Radio