The Worst Roads In London
March 28, 2023 9:52 amWhere are they, we want to know!
The CAA just launched there 20th annual Worst Roads campaign. We’ve made the list before and proabaly will again!
Adelaide street north and Pack Road have made the worst roads in the west region. Even Wharncliffe has been on there before.
Is there another road you can think of that is just brutal? Have your say and vote-it’s open to do so until April 21.
Why vote? Well… it highlights where they need to spend the money-it creates awareness that we all collectively agree there is a spot that needs improving. We have more of a chance this way that they will actually spend some money and get them repaired. So look for things like potholes, maybe even too much congestion, poor road signs, or maybe you have other safety concerns. Cast your vote at www.caaworstroads.com
Tags: BAD ROADS, CAA, london, ontarioCategorised in: Middays
This post was written by Kate Wright