Scotty McCreery Putting Off College… For Now
January 27, 2019 7:00 amScotty McCreery was bound and determined to go to college, so he split his time between being a country music star and a student at North Carolina State University in Raleigh, NC for several years. Although he didn’t complete the requirements for getting his degree, Scotty said us that bucket list item won’t likely be crossed off until he’s much older.
“I’m so glad that I went to college! That was a big thing that folks were like, ‘Is he committed to the music business,’ and if you know how hard I was working to make the music business and college work at the same time you’d understand, but, yeah, I got two and a half years done there. Monday/Wednesday classes, a lot of times I’d fly to Nashville on Tuesday and then hit the road Thursday through Sunday, and that was a nutty, nutty schedule, but it was a blast. I got a lot of great experiences — had the college parties and just had an awesome time but I think when I’m 40 or 50 I might go back and try to finish up but right now I’m way too busy to try and worry about all that.”
Scotty sits inside the Top 10 and climbing with his latest single, “This Is It.” It’s the second single from his 2018 album, Seasons Change, and follows on the heels of his first Number One hit, “Five More Minutes.”
Scotty’s new puppy, Moose, made his stage debut in the singer’s hometown of Raleigh on Saturday, January 19th.
Tags: college, Five More Minutes, North Carolina State University, Scotty McCreeryCategorised in: Country Music News
This post was written by Cheryl Johnstone