Parker McCollum Scores 4th Straight #1
April 22, 2024 8:45 amParker McCollum scored his fourth No. 1 with “Burn It Down”.
He said the album was actually finished when he wrote it, but that changed after the song came together.
Tags: Burn It Down, Parker McCollum“‘Burn It Down’ — Liz Rose and Hilary Lindsey and Lori McKenna — better known as the Love Junkies — were coming over to my house one day and Liz got there first and she walked into the kitchen and she said, ‘What are we going to write today?’ And I said ‘Liz, I’m pretty burnt out on songwriting and the record is done so it could be anything today.’ And she said, ‘Well, don’t say that. Usually this is when you write the best songs.’ And I was like, ‘I don’t think you understand how tired I am. I really don’t want to write,’” says Parker. “But we did anyways and about ten minutes later, I sort of just out of nowhere sang the chorus for ‘Burn It Down.’ It just fell out. And everybody in the room was like ‘Dang, that’s bad ass.’ And so, I would say it’s probably the strongest song on the record and to have those three girls on a cut with me is pretty special. They’ve written some big songs together and they’ve written a lot of really good songs together. And I don’t think I never would have written this song if it wasn’t for them.”
Categorised in: Country Music News
This post was written by Cheryl Johnstone