Toronto Dad Forced To Dismantle And Move Backyard ‘pirate Ship’ After Complaint
July 23, 2020 7:23 am
I think a lot of you will side with the Karen in this story.
A Toronto father has been forced to dismantle and move a pirate ship pol he built for his two children after a neighbour anonymously complained to the city.
John Konstantinidis spent eight weeks building the structure in the backyard of his Scarborough home so that his children, who are nine and seven, would have somewhere to play while many activities are off limits. But about a week after the structure, which is part deck and part swimming pool, was finally complete, john was contacted by the City of Toronto notifying him that the structure was in violation of city bylaws.
The city said the pirate ship was was too close to the property lines and he didn’t have a permit. So yeah thats a problem. Pool permits are there to keep families safe.
However, just the fact that this neighbour stood there staring at these 2 kids having the time of their life, and then you pick up your phone to tattle on them….kinda Karen-y?
John says he has now begun the lengthy process of dismantling the structure so he can move it further away from his fence.
He says he’s willing to comply with any rules necessary so that he doesn’t have to remove it completely.
Photo: Johnny Kay Facebook
Categorised in: All The Feels, Mornings
This post was written by Morgan Ryan