[LISTEN] HERO SALUTE: FRANK Nominates His Wife 🌷 AND Nurse KAYLA, Just In Time For Mother’s Day
May 10, 2021 6:53 am
FRANK KRESEN nominated his wife KAYLA for the following reasons:
“She is my wife and a mother of three to Mason 7, Noah 6, and Kinsley 1. She has always been a hero to us. She is a nurse at Leamington hospital and has been working almost everyday since the pandemic started. Between the oldest two doing online schooling, the baby always needing her attention and her still working 10 hours a day I honestly don’t know how she does it. I would REALLLY appreciate you guys giving her a shout out because she really deserves it. It would really mean a lot to all of us.”
Categorised in: Hero Salute, Mornings
This post was written by Morgan Ryan