[LISTEN AT YOUR OWN RISK] Is She The New 💃 Rebecca Black??
July 30, 2021 8:27 am10 years have passed since Rebecca Black introduced herself to the world with “Friday”
That void has been filled with the arrival of singer-songwriter Sarah Brand and her single, “Red Dress.”
If 2021 had a theme sing that’s it! Now we’re not on board with making fun of anyone for their singing or lack of singing abilities: but we think it’s crap because its a Grand Social Experiment?
The song by a woman name Sarah Brand has already racked up a half a million views already—impressive for a musician with hardly any social media footprint or fan base.
Our super sleuth social media abilities have lead us to believe its fake.
Sarah on her profile is a Sociology student, studying a Master of Science in Sociology at the prestigious Oxford University, leading viewers to ask: Is this all a social experiment? Some kind of investigation into going viral with “bad” music online?
Whatever it is – ever thought we’d hear a song that made Rebecca Black’s ‘Friday’ look like high art but here we are.
Categorised in: Mornings
This post was written by Morgan Ryan