[LISTEN] A Local Mom Has The Tools You Need To Navigate 🌐 The GOOD, The BAD, And The UGLY Of The WILD,WILD WEB
May 31, 2023 7:21 amDespite the fun dances on Tik Tok and the endless military reunion videos, the Internet has an ugly underbelly that teachers, parents, and kids need to be aware of.
My guest this morning was JOANNA CONRAD, executive director of YOUTH DIVERSION (and a local a mom herself). She has immersed herself in cutting edge research around the social media and demystifies technology all while being wise about the changes to life that are here to stay. She is running a free seminar THIS FRIDAY.
She has intriguing advice on the technologically-fueled generation gaps between kids and parents.
Categorised in: Mornings
This post was written by Morgan Ryan