Mental Health Monday: Stigma Matters

June 28, 2021 11:42 am Published by

Stigma matters

People who use drugs, especially those struggling with addiction face discrimination and barriers to getting help.

Stigma can:

  • lead a person to avoid getting help because they are afraid of judgement or getting in trouble with work, their loved ones or even the law
  • cause a person to hide their drug use or use drugs alone
  • affect a person’s ability to find housing and jobs, which affects their health and quality of life
  • contribute to people who use drugs receiving a lower quality of care from the healthcare system when they access services

Addiction is not a choice

There is a common misconception that addiction is a choice and that people can stop using drugs when they want to. Addiction is complex. People develop addictions because of many reasons, including:

  • events in life, especially trauma and chronic stress
  • environmental factors
  • mental well-being (emotions, thoughts, feelings, and mental illness)
  • genetics and biology

Some people try drugs once or use them occasionally. Others use drugs more often, sometimes to try to cope with trauma or pain. No matter the reason, no one chooses to become addicted. Addiction and physical dependence make it hard to stop using drugs even when it’s hurting you or people in your life. Recovery is possible but it looks different for everyone.

Help end stigma

Take these important steps to help reduce stigma:

  • do not define any person by their drug use
  • be respectful, compassionate and caring to those who use drugs
  • educate your friends and family – pass on facts and challenge stereotypes
  • remember that addiction is a treatable medical condition, not a choice, and is deserving of care just like any other medical condition
  • be aware of your attitudes and behaviours because they may be influenced by stereotypes, negative stories and images about people who use drugs.

To learn more, visit:

#endthestigma #theotherpandemic #opioidcrisis


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This post was written by Blackburn Media