1967 Ford Mustang

July 14, 2023 10:47 am Published by

I bought this car when I was 20 years old. It needed some work. I put a little work into it just so I could drive it. My wife Linda who I was dating at that time got her license with this car when she was 16. We had gotten (accidentally) pregnant and we married shortly there after. We were both very young. I was 21 and she had just turned 17. She ironically was born in 1967. That isn’t why I dated her. Lol. We actually drove away in this Mustang on our wedding day. A few months later we had a beautiful daughter together. A few years later on we had 2 more beautiful children. Money was really tight!! So we made the heatbreaking decision to sell the car. I can remember calling The London Free Press and asked them to put the ad in the paper to sell the car only to call the next day to cancel the ad. It was such a difficult decision to make as you can imagine. I did this 2 more times. Lol. My wife was very supportive as she knew that money was tight but also understood that I really loved this car and that we would somehow make it work. So we kept the car but didn’t drive it for a very very long time because we couldn’t afford insurance or gas. So there it sat. As our children got older and our lives became more financially stable we were able to put money into the car that had been sitting in our garage for years. . We had the engine rebuilt and the car looking almost brand new with a few things left classic. It felt so amazing to bing it back to life! So fast forward to today….Our middle daughter married last year and her and her husband drove away from the church with this car just like me and my wife Linda did almost 39 years ago! I’m soooo glad that we were able to keep the car and we enjoy it so much! We have had this car for all our married lives. We love to drive it here and there and taking it for a ride to the beach is one of our favorite things to do together! There are so many memmories and attachment to this car and we are so thankful that we decided to keep it all those years ago. Thanks for reading my story. 🙂

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This post was written by Blackburn Radio